Tag: self-discovery

The Beauty of Imperfection

The Beauty of Imperfection

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All my life I’ve been a perfectionist. Things had to be just so. Folds with razor-sharp creases. Stacks of paper in perfect alignment. Food arranged with symmetry and precision. This affliction worsened as I aged. The more settled I was in my behaviors and attitudes and general life patterns, the more controlling I became. In writing I had to use the correct words and the correct grammar and the correct style. Heaven forbid I had a typo in my manuscript. If I didn’t, then the writing wasn’t good enough. I wasn’t good......

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How to Find Unconditional Love

How to Find Unconditional Love

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Recently a client asked the question, what do I do now that my partner has left me?  She left me with all these great ideas and experiences of love and without warning she just decided that she no longer wants to be in our relationship.  I handed my client a mirror and said you give that love to yourself. I believe my client’s partner was in her life for a reason to help her know how love felt and what it looked like.  And the next assignment is for her to give......

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