Yes, everyone—even them. Every. Single. One. Of. Us.
The heart of true inclusivity is that it includes all. Not just the parts of life we like. Not just the people we agree with. Not just those who seem to be on the “right side of history.” All of it, all of them, everyone, is on the path.
Ernest Holmes put it plainly when he said,
If the first pillar—Consciousness Is Everything—is true, then everything is an expression of some level of consciousness. That means everyone is on their own journey of awakening, discovery, and expression. Some may seem more aware, more enlightened, further along. Others may appear utterly unaware, even lost. But no matter what it looks like, the truth remains: they are still on the path.
Spiritual teacher Walter Starke described this radical inclusivity in his book It’s All God:
“Inclusiveness sounds like one of those simple words we think we understand and nod at, but once the truth is known, inclusiveness brings on a revolution in consciousness that will transform the world in unimaginable ways—and us, as we currently conceive of ourselves.” = Walter Starke, It’s All God
Understanding that everything is included and everyone is on the path is not just a comforting belief—it’s a revolutionary shift in perspective. It liberates us from judging others for where they are and, just as importantly, judging ourselves.
Comparison is a trap. If you spend your time measuring your progress against others, you’ll never walk your path with freedom. Maybe you’re ahead of some. Maybe you’re behind others. It doesn’t matter. The only thing that matters is that you keep walking.
Thich Nhat Hanh captured this wisdom beautifully:
“When we free ourselves from the idea of separateness, we have compassion, we have understanding, and we have the energy to help.”