Mattie's Table - Serving up Love!

Our Hospitality Ministry takes your traditional church coffee hour to a whole new level.  Nothing says "welcome" like fixing a plate and sitting down for some fellowship.  Each week our hospitality team helps prep, serve and clean up in our fellowship hall.  
First Sundays are potluck.
Following Sundays are planed by Shannon Prewitt and the team of the week.
Meet Miss Mattie
Mattie Hamond

Mattie Hammond was everyone's grandmother.  She was head usher and our church mother for many years, looking after each one of us as her own.  "How you doin' baby?"  "What can I get for you?" that was Miss Mattie.

While she is no longer with us - her loving presence remains and is the reason we love to serve you a plate and make sure you feel at home.  

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