Guest Speaker Rev. Duncan Teague 

Rev. Duncan Teague and faithful, hardworking friends dreamed of and planted the Abundant Love Unitarian Universalist (UU) Congregation in The West End community of Atlanta established in 2018. Abundant LUUv is committed to continuing the work of healing communities in both the UU and Black church traditions. Emory University’s Rollins School of Public Health also employ Rev. Teague, in Global Health department assisting research of faith-based projects doing HIV/AIDS anti-stigma work. He is an Affiliated Community Minister for the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Atlanta. He has served a term on the UU Ministers’ Association’s Committee on Anti-Racism, Anti-Oppression, and Multiculturalism (CARAOM). He received proclamations honoring his work by the Atlanta City Council by Councilwoman Keisha Waites and endorsed by Council President, Doug Shipman. In the 2017 session of the State of Georgia House of Representatives, Rep. Park Cannon, District 58, and former Rep. Keisha Waites signed House Resolution #290 commending Teague for his thirty-eight years of HIV/AIDS and community work.

Rev. Teague resides in Decatur, GA with his husband, David Thurman, a retired CDC researcher, celebrating 30 years together and 20 years married.