Questions & Answers

Here are some answers to common questions re the My Election Intention practice.
My Election Intention will be an intentional mindfulness program for 100 Days (July 28-Nov.4) where you will receive a 2-3 minute voice mail message each day with a mindful practice. The program will also include optional opportunities to connect weekly via zoom with others in the practice to build community and feel solidarity in your mindfulness practice.

Thank you for signing up!  The daily voice messages are delivered each day at 9am ET - caller ID will say 470-784-0250.  if you do not answer the message will be delivered to your voicemail.  

If you sign up after 9am ET on any given day, you will be added to the list and begin receiving messages the following day.  To hear the message of the day you signed up, and all previous messages, see the tab entitled "Previous Recordings"

Mindfulness teacher, luminary thought leaders, ministers and practitioners that specialize in meditation, and affirmative thinking. There will be a full list posted in the Contributing Thought Leaders tab above.
Anyone who wants support in Mindfulness during the election cycle. This program is non-partisan and does not endorse or promote any candidate, party or platform of any kind.
by signing up you give us permission to reach you for the 100 Days. This program is being administered by the Mindset-Reset Ministry of the Spiritual Living Center of Atlanta. The Mindset-Reset program offers similarly focused mindfulness practices for short durations (20 Days on Health, 30 Days on Prosperity for example). However you will be asked permission to participate in those programs in the future and will not be auto-enrolled in any of them without your permission. You can unenroll at any time by texting STOP to 470-784-0250. Your phone and email will not be sold, distributed or used in any other manner or by any party beyond this one.
Yes, this program is offered free of charge however, Spiritual Living Center of Atlanta will send out a request for donations to off-set the cost of administering this program once it is complete. All donations are tax deductible and greatly appreciated. To donate visit the button above or click here:

The daily affirmations will be posted on our social media sites (facebook and Instagram).  Look for Spiritual Living Center of Atlanta, or search for the hastag #myelectioninention.  Please feel free to share these affirmations!

We are sorry to hear that.  Some people have reported this problem to us, as far as we can tell this issue is on the cell phone carrier end, not on ours.  That said, you can call the phone number back and listen at anytime.  Alternatively, each days broadcast is posted on our website under the link "Previous Recordings" and you can listen there.