Thank you for joining My Election Intention, a program of the New Thought Mindset Ministry at Spiritual Living Center of Atlanta.

I can not begin to express to you how amazing it is to participate in this program every day.  I know that we are making a difference because I hear from many of you who leave messages or email us and tell your story about how this program is impacting you and your mindset for the election.  

People continue to sign up every single day and we have far surpassed our wildest dream when we started this!  And because we have surpassed our own expectations, we have also surpassed our current capacity.  We are now receiving surcharges for the overages that occur from sign-ups and the volume of people calling into hear the daily message.  

So, as of today, Sept. 25th - we are making some adjustments to the program.  We will drop the vanity phone number so that the call comes from our landline at SLCA.  This means you will NOT be able to call the number back and hear the message.  HOWEVER, you can still get all the messages on the website!  

We are doing this so that we do not squander the financial support we have received on extra surcharges and keep focused on bringing you a valueable service!  

Now is the perfect time to do two things during the days or so that we have left:

  1. Invite your friends and neighbors into this practice.  Send them to the website to sign up: 
  2. Make a donation to our program to ensure we have the resources we need to meet the moment and beyond.

When we launched this program we didn’t know how many people would be interested, or how much behind the scenes technology and support we would need to put in place to keep it going.  We did it because we felt it was the right thing to do at the right time.  We did it because we believe in the power of intention to make a difference in our lives and in the power of collective spiritual practice.  The enthusiastic embrace and wide spread adoption of the program told us we were on to something!  In the coming weeks, I believe that even MORE people need to hear this message and can be aided by this spiritual practice.

While we were busy trying to keep up with the sign-ups and collecting the recordings, we have been blessed by a small number of people who have come forward and freely offered financial assistance to make it all work.  If you have been among those that in the early days freely offered a gift to this program - Thank you!  We would not be here without you.  

Now I am asking the rest of us to step in and support.  Even a small gift of $10 - will make a big impact as we put in place the infrastructure to keep programs like this going in the future.  Your gift says I am grateful to have this practice to turn to, and these beautiful messages to guide me through during this noisy election season.

“Without community, there is no liberation.” - Audre Lorde

Together we are holding a powerful intention and vision for our democracy and our future.  Please join me in sharing a gratitude gift of any amount to say “thank you” and strengthen our resolve in this coming weeks to hold a powerful space of mindful intention for our national election.   Please visit this link: 

to make your tax-deductible donation and be sure to choose New Thought Mindset in the dropdown menu and/or specify “Election Intention” in the memo.  

Thank you for your support, participation and engagement!